Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome to the New Blog

Hi everyone.  I know awhile back I started a new blog...but I got away from posting on it.  Part of the reason for that was the fact that there were many changes going on in our lives, that made it difficult for me to continue finding time to blog.  Because of those changes, I decided that I wanted to start fresh again, and commit to posting at LEAST once a week.  Some of the changes include the death of Rob's mom, a change in curriculum for our homeschool, Owen (our oldest) starting at a local Christian school, a pregnancy/ new baby ( Anne Louise), and a new stage IV cancer diagnosis for my Dad.
One thing I have learned in life is that you can never know what God has planned for your life.  Sometimes you are convinced that God would never want certain things for your life, and then sure enough he leads you down a path you didn't think you could bring yourself to go.

In the future I hope to share as much as I can about our crazy life with 8 kids, and taking care of a parent with cancer, and homeschooling, and having children in school, and newborns, marriage, toddlers, teenage and preteen boys and how to find matching socks in a house of 10 people :-)!  If you have any of these things in common with me, I would love to chat about them with you! to you soon!

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